A new installment of the animated series “DOTA: Blood of the Dragon,” based on Dota 2, has been released on Netflix. Subscribers can access all eight episodes at once, each lasting approximately 30 minutes.
The series chronicles the adventures of the dragon knight Davion, who wields the power of the ancient dragon Slyrak. Alongside Princess Mirana, he journeys across the world, engaging in significant events and conflicts while striving to defeat the demon Terrorblade.
The third season is several times more emotional than the first two. The dialogues, phrases, conversations, and interactions have a very powerful dramatic and artistic tone.
The screenwriter Ashley Edward Miller managed to do with the series what Disney and its “Star Wars” trilogy failed to do. He was able to bring the story to an end without changing course.
Many were skeptical when the series was announced on Netflix, but after watching it, the doubts disappeared. We have to hand it to Ashley Miller. He never worked with animation before but he created a deep story.
Many may say that the plot moved away from the game lore. However, the series wasn’t supposed to follow the lore completely. If it did, it would have lost its uniqueness and we wouldn’t have been able to see all of the plot moves. The project itself is isolated from the game lore, it serves as a good addition to the game, showing other versions of events.
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